Please consider making a donation that will help us make a difference in the lives of those who are hungry, hurting and homeless in North Bay. As we do not receive funding from the provincial or federal government for our programs and services, we are dependent on the generosity of like-minded individuals and businesses.
Every contribution is very much appreciated and needed. Tax receipts are provided on an annual basis and will include all gifts given in a calendar year.
Ways To Give
Write a cheque made payable to Hope Awaits Ministries and mail it to:
Hope Awaits Ministries
390 First Ave E.
North Bay, ON. P1B 1K1
You can e-transfer your donation directly to:
Please ensure that you include your full name and address in the message section if you would like a tax receipt.
Donate Online
Complete the Make a Donation form below to make an online donation.
Please note that online donations are charged a fee of 3.5% - 4% off of every donation
Sponsorship Options
Our Missionaries salaries make up the largest part of our budget, but they also make up the largest part of our ministry. Our missionaries have all been called by God to minister to the homeless and hurting in our community. They continually work with the clients we serve in order to help them get back on their feet while also sharing the love of God with them.
Your sponsorship will go towards all the costs associated with the men staying at the shelter. You can be a part of changing men's lives by designating your donation towards one of the seven rooms we have.
Help ensure that those who come to our door for food do not leave empty handed. For just $2 you can provide a care package for a homeless individual in North Bay!
Designating Your Donation
If you wish to Sponsor a Missionary, Sponsor a Room, or Sponsor a Care Package, please indicate what you want to designate your donation towards on:
The memo line of the cheque
In the message section of an e-transfer
Select the missionary, room, or care package under "fund" on the Online Donation form
Charitable Tax Receipts
Any donation made to Hope Awaits Ministries for $20 or more is eligible for a tax receipt. Receipts will be provided on an annual basis and will include all gifts given in a calendar year.
In order to receive a charitable tax receipt donors must provide their full name and address to Hope Awaits Ministries at the time of donation.