Acquiring everything you need to start fresh can be very expensive.  That's why we want to be able to give our clients Apartment Starter Kits in order to provide them with some of the basic necessities of starting anew.

Below is a list of items that we try to keep on hand in order to provide our clients with the essentials they need for their apartment. 


Pots and Pans



Cooking Items

Miscellaneous Kitchen Items

Cleaning Supplies


Miscellaneous Household Items

Items Not Accepted

Due to a lack of storage space, or for safety reasons, we do not accept the following items (unless otherwise posted)

If you have any large furniture donations, please contact Low Income People Involvement (LIPI) at 705-472-1337 or lipi@lipinipissing.com as they may have a client that can use them. 

Donation Drop Off

​All donations can be dropped off in the donation bin at the side of the building at 390 First Ave E.